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Training Camp & Seminars
Training The able members of National Media Force Trust will be appointed in different branches after providing physical, mental
and ethical training in camps/Seminars etc.
Necessity of Organized Media For A Developed & Strong Nation

The poer of pen(journalism) comes next to God as far as saving nation from divisive forces is concerned. Clarigy Example is the role media played during a long period by speading the spirit of nationalism & brotherhood. On this principle, National Media Force is preparing itself for a long battle to uproot crime, corruption, terroris, violence and vulgarity by organizing people against these evils. Despite being the fourth Asset of the nation, Media has not been able to attain the desired strength. The corrupt selfish elements are taking advantage of this.

# National Media Force is a Constituted Media Organigation under Indian Trust Act.
1882 duly Regd. by Govt. of Delhi. Vide Registration No. 2380/Delhi/2009
National Media Force
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